



TanirTech's DG operation experience is underpinned by operating first DG Power Plant in Iran, located at Nazar Abad Industrial region, since 2005. Along this unique and successful experience, by providing a complete range of operation services for numerous clients, TanirTech assures the minimum expenditure of operation program, while making sure that the most important facts of running a DG plant such as safety, reliability, and efficiency will not be negatively affected.

TanirTech News

2015/03/18, 12:42
milad-tower-cchpMilad Tower CCHP Milad Tower CHP plant is the first project of CCHP in Tehran which has been completed by Tanir group in...
2014/01/25, 12:42
chp-system-commissioning-and-test-in-hekmat-power-plantCHP System Commissioning and Test in Hekmat Power Plant Along with the completion the heat consumers of Hekmat complex, heat recovering system was...
2012/12/12, 09:07
eramshahr-operation-enERAM SHAHR DG Power Plant: Operation phase begins After initial commissioning tests, the ERAM SHAHR 10 MW DG Power Plant, achieves full commercial...

Cogeneration News

On-site Power News

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