


Company Profile

tanirtech-nazarabadTanirTech is the leading private company in the field of on-site generation, distribution, and sales of electrical power energy in Iran, while being the first and only privately owned organization to have the permit on electricity distribution from the Iranian Ministry of Energy.

TanirTech experts, depending on their vast and long practical experiences, provide a complete range of engineering services regarding DG power plants and CHP / CCHP systems using small scale power generation technologies including natural gas, diesel, and biogas generators in addition to alternative energies.

Defining and implementing the projects mentioned below clearly indicates TanirTech's commitment to improve private sectors role in generation and distribution of electrical power energy in Iran.

1- Engineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the first DG Power Plant in Iran at Nazar Abad Industrial City with a current capacity of 6 MWe up to 25 MWe at the final phase.tanirtech-nazarabad2

Note: Nazar Abad DG Power Plant is the first and only privately owned electrical power plant, which has been granted the license by Iranian Ministry of Energy for selling electrical energy and issuing electricity bills to its on-site customers.

2- Engineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the first CCHP distributed generation plant with the capacity of 1MW electrical power and 1MW thermal power.

3- Engineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the first CHP distributed generation plant in Tehran with the capacity of 1MW electrical power and 1MW thermal power.

4-  ngineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance of Containerized DG Units.

5- Engineering design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the first Low Noise DG Power Plant in a residential area in Tehran.

6- Design and Commissioning of the Power Plant Centralized Monitoring and Control System from the TanirTech headquarters.


- Fields of Activity

TanirTech News

2015/03/18, 12:42
milad-tower-cchpMilad Tower CCHP Milad Tower CHP plant is the first project of CCHP in Tehran which has been completed by Tanir group in...
2014/01/25, 12:42
chp-system-commissioning-and-test-in-hekmat-power-plantCHP System Commissioning and Test in Hekmat Power Plant Along with the completion the heat consumers of Hekmat complex, heat recovering system was...
2012/12/12, 09:07
eramshahr-operation-enERAM SHAHR DG Power Plant: Operation phase begins After initial commissioning tests, the ERAM SHAHR 10 MW DG Power Plant, achieves full commercial...

Cogeneration News

On-site Power News

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